Tami Friday performing CranioSacral therapy

Animal Communication Consultation

What is it?
Animal communication really is possible! Similar to how radio waves, or WiFi work, it involves the sending and receiving of invisible information. This type of communication is called telepathy, mentally sending and receiving messages. It involves transmission of feelings, intentions, thoughts, mental images, impressions, sensations and more.

In an Animal Communication Consultation, Tami connects telepathically with your animal (soul to soul), whether currently living or in spirit, and shares their thoughts and perceptions. Tami provides time to ask your animal a few questions. Tami works with domestic and wild animals such as dogs, cats, horses, birds, rabbits, exotic animals, fish, and everything in between! Sessions are conducted primarily via phone or Zoom.

Animal Communication Consultations can be helpful if you want to know your animal’s perspective or wishes in regards to their care and treatment. They can be helpful for:

  • any changes in routine
  • any changes in animal care
  • health concerns or illness
  • adding or losing a family member (human or animal)
  • changes in the household (moving, remodeling, divorce, new family member, new work hours, new visitors, etc.)
  • behavior issues
  • end of life
  • connecting after death
  • anytime you want to learn your animal’s thoughts, feelings or perspective on any issue.

Sessions are designed to help you and your animal understand each other better and to enhance the bond you share with your animal. After doing so many of these sessions, it is almost unanimous among animals that they are grateful to be asked to communicate, to be able to share with you!

Note: An Animal Communication Consultation is a supplement to, not a replacement for, other professional care such as veterinary care, medical care, therapy and training.

What to expect?

To prepare for your session, it is very helpful to let your animal know that you have scheduled an Animal Communication Consultation. Simply talk to them out loud as you would any family member. This allows them to prepare for the session in their own way. It is recommended that you prepare a small list of questions to ask your animal prior to your session. If you have more questions, schedule more time. You will be asked to submit a photo of your animal (their eyes showing and no other people or animals in the photo). This helps Tami connect to your animal.

During a session, your animal may come into the room with you; they may prefer to go into another room; they may look at you or play or even take a nap! Animals are able to multitask during the conversation and sometimes it may not even look like they are paying attention—but they are.

Tami often begins with what she calls a “mini-meditation”. This very brief meditation helps elevate the energy of the session, allows better reception of the information and enhances the connection with your animal. Tami then gives your animal the floor, so to speak. The animal shares what it desires to share to start the conversation. There is time for you to ask a few questions and a dialogue ensues. Tami plays the role of a translator and sometimes mediator with the goal of enhancing the bond between you and your animal.

After a session, clients have noted that they often feel closer to their animal and are more aware of their animal’s point of view. A session may often be the impetus for positive change, mutual understanding and deeper connection. You are invited to view the Testimonials page to see examples of how animal communication has helped clients.

Note: An Animal Communication Consultation is a supplement to, not a replacement for, other professional care such as veterinary care, medical care, therapy and training.

Energy Healing for Animals

What is it?
Animals can benefit from intuitive healing such as Reiki. Energy healing is designed to activate your animal’s natural healing processes to help support physical and emotional well-being. Energy healing may take the form of Reiki or other healing modalities such as Energy Blast Healing, Quantum Touch or CranioSacral Therapy-influenced techniques, as intuitively guided. Tami Friday
listens intuitively to your animal to determine what techniques may be most appropriate during a session.

Consider energy healing for your animal if they are experiencing:

  • Separation anxiety and other forms of anxiety
  • Depression
  • Grief and loss of a close family member (human or animal)
  • Physical ailments that can benefit from energetic support
  • Aggression
  • Stress
  • Any signs that they are not living life to their fullest
What to expect?
Sessions are conducted “off the body” and can be done over any distance. Just as you do not need to be in physical proximity to talk to a person on a phone, your animal does not need to be in physical proximity for the intuitive healing to travel at a distance. Your animal can enjoy the convenience of being in their own location during the session, which is often much less stressful for them.

During an intuitive healing session, it is beneficial to reduce distractions for your animal if possible. Often, animal responses may vary: some animals may take a nap, some may go about their normal routine, some may even want to play. When scheduling your session, you have the option to receive intuitive perceptions via phone, text or email. You may wish to select the phone option if you are new to Reiki and energy healing so that you learn what to expect and any questions that come up during the session can be answered. If you are seasoned and have worked with Tami Friday before, you may want to select email or text options if that is more convenient for you or you have a busy schedule.

Note: Energy healing such as Reiki is a supplement to, not a replacement for, other professional care such as veterinary care, medical care, therapy and training.

Energy Healing for You

What is it?
You can also benefit from intuitive healing such as Reiki. If you are experiencing challenges, such as grief or anxiety, your animal may also pick up on these emotions and it can affect them too. If you ever think that you are not important and do not take the time for your needs, think again. When you help yourself, you are also helping your animal family.

Energy healing is designed to activate your natural healing processes to help support physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Energy healing may take the form of Reiki or other healing modalities such as Energy Blast Healing, Quantum Touch or CranioSacral Therapy-influenced techniques, as intuitively guided.

Research is showing that energy healing such as Reiki can:

  • Induce relaxation
  • Help relieve emotional stress
  • Reduce pain
  • Lessen anxiety
  • Reduce depression
  • Improve overall feelings of well-being
What to expect?
Sessions are conducted “off the body” and can be done over any distance. Just as you do not need to be in physical proximity to talk to a person on a cell phone, you do not need to be in physical proximity for the intuitive energy healing to travel at a distance. You can enjoy the convenience of being in your own location during the session.

During an intuitive energy healing session, it is helpful to reduce distractions during your session and you will often find more benefit if you set that time aside for yourself to relax comfortably.

When scheduling your session, you have the option to receive intuitive perceptions via phone, text or email. You may wish to select the phone option if you are new to Reiki and energy healing so that you learn what to expect and any questions that come up during the session can be answered. If you are seasoned and have worked with Tami Friday before, you may want to select email or text options if that is more convenient for you or you have a busy schedule.

Note: Energy healing such as Reiki is a supplement to, not a replacement for, other professional care such as veterinary care, medical care, therapy and training

Healing Energy for Your Space

What is it?
The energy in your home or business impacts everyone sharing the space, whether people or animals. It can be beneficial or non-beneficial. Have you ever heard the phrase, “The tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife” or the phrase “elephant in the room”? This tension refers to the energy in the space and it can often linger. It can impact all who inhabit the space whether subtle or
more noticeable.

Space clearing is the process of making a living or working area more comfortable by removing and clearing the non-beneficial energy within it, even uplifting the energy using energy healing techniques. Energy healing for your space, whether home or business, may incorporate Reiki, dowsing and other modalities as intuitively guided. Space clearing strives to get you and your animals on a great foundation energetically.

Often times a buildup of this non-beneficial energy can contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression or even physical ailments. Tami Friday offers energy healing, not just of your property, but also of the main occupants, land and vehicles, as intuitively guided. Tami also addresses geopathic stress (energetic earth disruptions) that may impact you and your property. Space clearing strives to get you and your animals on a great foundation energetically.

Consider space clearing for your home or business if you want to:

  • Let go of physical and emotional baggage
  • Foster healing, vitality and overall wellness
  • Embrace fresh opportunities
  • Stimulate business growth or innovation
  • Remove lingering energy from past inhabitants or past strife
  • Freshen the energy to make a home more attractive to buyers
  • Enhance feelings of harmony and peace
  • Feel a sense of connection, stability and of “being home”
What to expect?
For your convenience, all space clearing sessions are done remotely (over distance) and start on the day you schedule your session. You may go about your normal routine. For complex properties, space clearing may occur over several days. Just as you can be calling a person 500 miles away on your cell phone, energy clearing over distance is the same way. Tami Friday provides you with an intuitive report after the Space Clearing.

A Space Clearing is not necessarily a one-time occasion, for the same reason we brush our teeth or bathe regularly. Non-beneficial energy can seep in over time. This is more likely after changes like an emotional upheaval like divorce that affects the occupants or a physical change such as remodeling or major storm. But even the day-to-day stresses and the energy residue that it leaves, can impact the energy of your property over time. For this reason, Tami Friday recommends periodic space clearing, depending on your needs.

Note: Space clearing using energy healing such as Reiki is a supplement to, not a replacement for, other professional care such as veterinary care, medical care, therapy and training.