Meet Tami Friday, Occupational Therapist and Reiki Master to see if you are a good fit for her health and wellness services.
Photo of Tami Friday

Tami Friday

Hello! I am so glad you are here reading this! I am an Animal Communicator and Reiki Master. I hold a special love in my heart for animals and all living beings. Ever since I was a child, I loved going out in nature and exploring with the creatures. I had many, many pets growing up—from a dog to frogs, gerbils and turtles, a snake, hamster and fish, and in later years, more cats and dogs. I loved any chance I could to be with animals, whether horseback riding or watching a spider spin a web. It helped having a biology teacher for a dad; he helped foster my love and respect for all the creatures on the planet.

As a formerly practicing Occupational Therapist, my experience has evolved from working in hospitals and home care to private practice offering Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy and Energy Blast Healing. During that time, I cultivated psychic and mediumship abilities. I became aware
of how the energy in the spaces around us could evoke emotions, even impact physical states and also how this energy affected our beloved animal companions. I subsequently added Space Clearing to my repertoire and also shifted to doing more communication and healing work with animals—which I love so very much!

Helping you and your animal feel better, enhancing the bonds your animal has with family members, and uplifting the spaces you and your animal spend time in are what my soul mission is all about! I would love to work with you! I invite you to schedule a session with me today!

Contact Tami
(414) 214-0214

Based in Milwaukee, serving globally.
4629 N Port Washington Rd
Glendale, Wisconsin

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